ISO/IEC 27001:2013 to ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Conversion Service

Ensure Your Information Security Management System (ISMS) Meets the Latest Global Standard

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, so do the threats and regulations surrounding information security. ISO/IEC 27001:2022 is the latest revision of the globally recognised standard for Information Security Management Systems (ISMS), and it brings significant updates to ensure organisations stay resilient in an ever-changing environment.

At Symphonise Consulting, we are committed to helping you seamlessly transition your existing ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification to meet the new 2022 requirements. Our tailored service is designed to guide your organisation through the conversion process efficiently, minimising disruption while ensuring compliance with the latest information security best practices.

Why Upgrade to ISO/IEC 27001:2022?

Organisations currently ISO/IEC 27001 certified must align their ISMS with the 2022 version to maintain their certification. Certification bodies have set a deadline by which all certified organisations need to complete the transition. Failure to do so could result in suspending or withdrawing your ISO/IEC 27001 certificate. Upgrading to the latest version ensures your ISMS remains valid and your organisation meets regulatory and contractual requirements.

  • Enhanced Risk Management: The 2022 version strongly emphasises addressing emerging risks in cybersecurity, data privacy, and business continuity.

  • Updated Controls: The Annex A controls have been restructured to better align with modern security challenges.

  • Improved Flexibility: The new standard provides greater flexibility to adapt the ISMS to your organisation’s specific needs, ensuring it remains practical and efficient.

  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensure your organisation complies with global and local regulations, including GDPR, POPIA, and more.

Our Conversion Service Includes:

  • Gap Analysis: We comprehensively assess your current ISMS, identifying areas that need to be aligned with the new ISO/IEC 27001:2022 requirements.

  • Action Plan: Based on our findings, we create a detailed roadmap for your transition, outlining the necessary steps and timelines to meet the updated standards.

  • Policy and Documentation Updates: We assist in revising your information security policies, procedures, and controls to reflect the new requirements, including changes in Annex A.

  • Staff Training and Awareness: We provide targeted training to ensure your team understands the updates and is equipped to maintain compliance. For those needing training on the ISO/IEC 27001 standard we offer APMG International accredited ISO/IEC 27001 training.
  • Ongoing Support: Our experts are available to offer guidance throughout the entire process, ensuring a smooth and successful transition.

Why Choose Symphonise Consulting?

  • Expertise You Can Trust: With years of experience in ISO standards and information security, our team is well-equipped to handle the complexities of transitioning your ISMS.

  • Tailored Approach: We understand that every organisation is unique, and we customise our services to fit your specific needs and industry requirements.

  • People-First Philosophy: We focus on empowering your team throughout the conversion process, ensuring knowledge transfer and building a security culture.

Ready to Make the Move to ISO/IEC 27001:2022?

Don’t leave your information security management to chance. Stay ahead with Symphonise Consulting’s ISO/IEC 27001:2022 conversion service.

Contact us today to start your journey to compliance and enhanced security.